Director’s Message

Known is a drop. Unknown is an ocean.”-Avvaiyar

The above quote is apt in suggesting that somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. The thirst for knowledge is unquenchable. We believe learning is as natural and dynamic a process as life itself is ; and thus it helps us evolve successfully as a species. In this quest, we keep discovering and honing  capacities that make us grow up to productive adults who then arrive as citizens of the world ready to make their own contributions for the greater good while themselves living lives of deep contentment and happiness.

In the wake of continuous global developments, advancements and challenges we face today, we firmly believe that education and capacity development are critical to the success of any cause because without intellectual-empathetic-leadership and scientific and technological knowledge, no initiative for any change or development can succeed. Hence, we at IBEC, are committed to act in all possible ways ancillary to the cause of education and capacity development.

We shall ensure socially responsible current and future leaderships across sectors by facilitating the required learning environment; upgrading the existing networks and structures; and building and developing global capacities for a sustainable living.

Mere existence of capacities is not enough, one must harness and utilize those too. Mastering a given curriculum of study or developing capacities just to get a job should not be one’s vision but to master and then apply academic and non-academic knowledge to live well i.e. to get a job and vis-à-vis do good work. We need to welcome functional change in the whole system of education and capacity development  with an air of professionalism to be at par with the best of the world and so we, at IBEC, work upon to build capacities inside and outside academia with the said aim.

To achieve this, we play a remedial role in helping people obtain, develop and nurture their creative capacities through our wide array of scientifically build programs advocating critical literacy (which requires both academic knowledge, creative expression, and critical thinking) that shall not only  help people with rewarding careers but are also of service to the society.

We would like to take in a moment of great pride to appreciate and acknowledge the support of our fantastic team that works with the spirit of extreme dedication, excellence and integrity for the fulfillment of our goals.

We extend our sincere thanks to the existing clients and well-wishers, who have benefitted from our services, for reposing their trust in us.

We strongly believe that your involvement with us will surely transform into a sound investment. We, thereupon, heartily call upon the support of all the concerned individuals and institutions to coordinate efforts with us vis-à-vis find expression in making the world opinion.


Best Regards,

Ms. Geetanjali Yadav